Sunday, January 31, 2016


{Part 2}... How To Make Serious Income Online With CPA....

If you are just joining us, here is the link to  How To Make Serious Income Online With CPA....{Part 1}

So what does CPA means, certified public accountant? You think so, maybe but let's see..

CPA means cost per Action. You make money each time a supposed action is completed by a target audience in regards to an offer you promoting. 
These actions ranges from submitting details of email adress, phone number,zip code.. downloading something, taking a survey, submitting CC details etc. Each time such actions is completed you generate a lead and your leads converts to cash. 

For each action taken you get paid, the more the actions completed the more the cash..The pay you get per lead depends on the offer.. Generally, the Pay per lead ranges from $0.50- $15 depending on the offer and the target country for your traffic.. Let's figure out you promoting an offer that pays $2.50 per lead(that is when somebody completes the supposed action required), this means if you could generate 1000 leads you make $2500 could be much more & it could be much less, it all depends on your traffic.

Now let me show you something, countless times online you must have come across a pop-up/Ads asking you take a survey and stand a chance to win a giftcard or iphone/ipad.. Sometimes you have to submit some details such as email adress, phone line and maybe name.. Sometimes it could be winning some points or playing a game! Now those were all CPA offers and when complete action is taken by you, you make somebody somewhere richer.. Oh yea!

Let me also go to the explicit side of it, to those of you that visit porn sites you may have come across tempting and compelling ADs on the site telling you to click and hookup with a girl for sex or date; definitely many will click and once you click you'd be asked to sign up on the site or fill in some details.. In completing this action, you just generated a lead for somebody somewhere(the affiliate) and got that person paid.
How about Apps! Yea apps, we download apps online to our mobile or pc. Most of this Apps placed on some sources for dowlnloads are offers being promoted by a CPA marketer and the person make his/her pay each time people download..
Another thing is content locking, a lot of people do this in the course of browsing online but they don't know they actually completing an action of a CPA offer for someone. Affiliates lock important info which you may need and when you seek to get this info you'd be asked complete some simple tasks. I mean You are being asked to complete a simple required action before you able to acess the content/ info online..

So that's how it works.. You see, This is just the simplest way to make pay online.. I even see it as the future too cause other models is getting too compeititive. Many don't know. But well, I guess that's why you here..

I'll be showing you how I have and still making pay with CPA and how you can make money from CPA.. 
I am ready to teach my secrets to only serious folks and at a stage I'm gone seperate the few from the pack.. 

I will start fully from my next post. My updates will be in steps so if you are ready to make money follow my steps and take action.. 
What you need to get started;

A device that can reliably acess the net 24/7.

A CPA network.

An offer to promote.


You get these things, you make money


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